Use of the Corner Shot 40 ™ system will reduce the liability of the operators in the field or theater of operation. The CornerShot 40 ™ affords the combat units devastating firepower, pinpoint accuracy whilst “Around-the-Corner” allowing the operators to defeat vehicles, enemy emplacements, massive suppressive cover fire as well as a highly effective smoke screen. The all-new Corner Shot 40 ™ addresses many of these problems and offers solutions un-available up until today. This has necessitated the development of purpose-specific weapon systems, in order to provide a satisfactory solution to the specialized problems of this type of warfare. Urban combat operations especially inside buildings and blocks of buildings -is the single most significant characteristic of urban warfare that sets it apart from all other warfare types. EDIT: okay, dont mind my post, ive found the real path didnt know that the mercenary rifle belongs to the mercenary addon the new path was easy to find out via bsa viewer from the fomm. In the mean while the operator can effectively observe and cover a high-risk area without exposing himself to enemy fire. All of these munitions may be launched from the left to the right, inside buildings and between buildings, door steps and through door openings, up or down from roof tops in a safe and simple and highly accurate manner.