Some people don't like this, but it's what I do.

I also use the console command 'set timescale to 1' in gamewhich makes one hour of game time = one hour real lifetime. The settings I use have it so you it feels like you'll never run out of duration, however when you press the wait button and wait an hour you immediately transform back.

I will tell you which settings I use to make the spell last a good amount of time. Taper Duration - This is one aspect of how long the spell will last before you are transformed back into your normal self.Effect Archetype - Change this to 'Value Modifier.'.An important note is that this text under 'name' is what shows up in game for your spell's magic effect, so you'll want to use proper grammar and punctuation. Name - Change this to 'Polymorph, variation (if there is a variation).Once you've found that, double click on it. If you can find that off the list manually, that's great, but it's easier if you just type in 'polymorph' in the search bar of the object window at the top left of it. To make things easier, we are going to just duplicate the 'TestPolymorphSkeeverEffect' magic effect. When you click on that, a list of magic effects should appear. Now, from the list that appeared, look for 'Magic Effect'. Expand that by hitting the little plus sign next to it or double clicking it. Go under the side panel in the creation kit under the 'object' window where it lists all the actors, races, spells, quests, level pieces, you name it. A new spell tome that is pointing at the spellįirst things first.